Our Smart Home Solutions with Kit OZONE+
Additional smart home equipment, including UV (ultraviolet) disinfection lamps, must be installed in the air conditioner. The equipment connects to Wi-Fi, allowing the UV disinfection to run once daily for 30–40 minutes at a convenient time (e.g., the air conditioner and lamps activate at noon when no one is in the room). Manual activation is also available.

Safe lamps for use around people are also available.

This kit helps keep your space clean and dry remotely, especially useful if the home needs to remain closed for extended periods. Reliable medical-grade UV sterilization.
Smart home kits


Includes remote control of the air conditioner via a mobile app, with humidity and temperature sensors:

This setup allows remote humidity monitoring, automates the entire home climate control process, offers voice control, and can adjust based on human presence. It is not recommended to leave the air conditioner unattended for more than a few days.

- Remote control
- Humidity and temperature sensors
- Protective relay to cut off power to the air conditioner
- Electricity consumption meter for the air conditioner

Unlike the first set, this setup allows remote humidity monitoring in the home for up to 2 years without on-site visits. It also provides notifications for issues with electricity or air conditioners and includes automatic error troubleshooting.
Additional ozone lamps for a home air conditioner.

These lamps purify the space, removing mold, mildew, mustiness, bacteria, and small insects (including mosquito protection).

*Note: Cannot operate without the first set!*
Cameras +
Installation and addition of a video camera to the app:
(depending on the camera cost).
Electricity +
Adding a surge protection relay:
General house power meter stabilizer:

All devices are connected to the app.
Complete set
Includes the main set, whole-house electricity meter-stabilizer, power switches by floor and category, motion and door/window sensors, smoke detectors, video surveillance, water leakage sensors, and a control panel.

All devices operate via the internet and are managed through the app.
Flexible and easy control
via app
Stay informed
Receive instant alerts in case of a break-in, fire or leak.
Use analytics
Monitor equipment operation and evaluate energy consumption.

Connect the cameras
Use video cameras with app integration
Connect air conditioners
Connect your air conditioners to the app, now your home controls humidity and protects itself from mold
Manage devices
Set up home devices to operate on a schedule or based on an event.
Use scripts
Manage your devices and security of your premises using your voice assistant.
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